22. januar 2025

Han kaller kjæresten sin en «feit drittkjerring». Men måten hun tar hevn på? Så bra gjort!

Alvina Rayne var ikke alltid overvektig. Det var ikke før hun var i et destruktivt forhold at hun begynte å spise junkfood og føle seg deprimert.

Tobarnsmoren fra Philadelphia i USA tok til fet og søt mat for å takle de verbale angrepene hun fikk mot seg på jevn basis. Som mange andre i slike forhold turte ikke Alvina å forlate kjæresten. Ikke enda.

På sitt tyngste veide Alvina 125 kg. Kjæresten hennes kalte henne en «feit drittkjerring» som aldri ville være i stand til å gå ned i vekt eller finne en annen mann. Med høyt blodtrykk, pre-diabetes og angstanfall var Alvinas helse på vei nedover.

I 2009 hadde Alvina fått nok. Hun visste at noe måtte endres, og det raskt. Spesielt siden hun hadde barn som var avhengig av henne. Hun kvittet seg med den destruktive og manipulative kjæresten, og startet på lavkarbo-diett og begynte å trene.

Scroll nedover for å se Alvinas utrolige transformasjon!

PICS BY ALVINA RAYNE / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Here is Alvina at her heaviest when weighing over 20 stone, for her small frame which gave her a BMI of over 42.9 putting her into the severely obese category. She piled on weight through emotional eating when her ex would viciously call her cruel names, tell her she was fat constantly and an ugly piece of garbage who noone would want. Now shes getting the last laugh after losing 10stone) - An obese mum has got revenge on a cruel ex who bullied her because of her weight by losing 10 stone and finding love. Alvina Raynes, 32, bullying ex called her an ugly piece of fat piece of garbage who no one would want when she reached 20 stone (274lb). To cope with his comments, she ate 5,000-calories a day - including two fast food meals, two bowls of sugary cereal and snacks throughout the day. But in 2009, the mum from Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, USA, decided to end her unhealthy relationship with food and ditch her partner. - SEE CATERS COPY



PICS BY ALVINA RAYNE / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Here is Alvina at her heaviest when weighing over 20 stone, with daughter Mikayla now 8, for her small frame which gave her a BMI of over 42.9 putting her into the severely obese category. She piled on weight through emotional eating when her ex would viciously call her cruel names, tell her she was fat constantly and an ugly piece of garbage who noone would want. Now shes getting the last laugh after losing 10stone) - An obese mum has got revenge on a cruel ex who bullied her because of her weight by losing 10 stone and finding love. Alvina Raynes, 32, bullying ex called her an ugly piece of fat piece of garbage who no one would want when she reached 20 stone (274lb). To cope with his comments, she ate 5,000-calories a day - including two fast food meals, two bowls of sugary cereal and snacks throughout the day. But in 2009, the mum from Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, USA, decided to end her unhealthy relationship with food and ditch her partner. - SEE CATERS COPY

Hver gang hun slet eller møtte veggen, tenkte hun bare på hva eks-kjæresten pleide å si til henne: «Ingen vil ha deg!»

Med det motiverte hun seg selv til å motbevise han. Det gjorde hun ved å gå ned 60 kg!



Etter vekttapet møtte hun tilfeldigvis moren til eks-kjæresten. Hun ble mildt sagt sjokkert over Alvinas nye utseende.
Nyheten spredte seg fort, og det tok ikke lang tid før Alvina fikk en telefon fra eks-kjæresten.



«Jeg hører du har blitt mye penere» sa han, og forsøkte også å få Alvina tilbake.

«Det kommer aldri i hele verden til å skje» svarte hun.

PICS BY ALVINA RAYNE / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Alvina says she couldnt be happier with husband Sascha 32 who treats her like gold compared to the bullying ex who inspired her 10 stone weight lost after constant verbal abuse, including that she was a fat, ugly piece of garbage and that noone would want her with all that weight on. Now shes getting the last laugh after rejecting his attempts for a reunion) - An obese mum has got revenge on a cruel ex who bullied her because of her weight by losing 10 stone and finding love. Alvina Raynes, 32, bullying ex called her an ugly piece of fat piece of garbage who no one would want when she reached 20 stone (274lb). To cope with his comments, she ate 5,000-calories a day - including two fast food meals, two bowls of sugary cereal and snacks throughout the day. But in 2009, the mum from Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, USA, decided to end her unhealthy relationship with food and ditch her partner. - SEE CATERS COPY

Alvina er nå lykkelig gift med Sascha, som behandler henne som gull.


«Jeg vil at andre skal vite at det er fullt mulig å starte livet sitt helt på nytt.» sier Alvina.

«Du trenger ikke å forbli der du er. Det er så enormt befriende å innse at man helt og holdent bestemmer selv over sin egen kropp og sitt eget liv.»

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